Reese's Community Care Home 1 & 2 NE COLUMBIA, 1203 Muller Ave, Columbia, SC 29203 Assisted Living 5 beds. Estimated monthly rent between $1600 - $2000.Small board and care facility. Provides help with the activities of daily living, including meals, bathing, housekeeping, linens, medication management, transportation. Melissa Sprouse-BrowneManaging BrokerASAPSun30MarMon31MarTue1AprWed2AprThu3AprFri4AprSat5AprSun6AprMon7AprTue8AprWed9AprThu10AprFri11AprSat12AprPlease Select DateTour in personTour VirtuallyPlease Select Type Schedule A Tour Contact Melissa Sprouse-Browne X CLOSE Confirm your time Fill in your details and we will contact you to confirm a time. Your name * Email address * Phone number What times are best for you? *MorningAfternoonEvening Feel free to leave me any additional comments X CLOSE Contact Form Name *FirstLast Email * Phone Comments, Questions? *