36 resident rooms. Accepts private pay or private insurance.
Rooms are single-residence and fully furnished.
Every room is private and equipped with the essentials for comfortable living. Rooms include a twin bed, full bathroom with a shower, a TV, cable programming and a bench seat in a bay window.
Residents are encouraged to bring their own furniture and decorations. Personalizing their rooms makes residents feel at home, and keeping their memories around them helps with personal recognition.
Nurses' stations fit into the home-like atmosphere. Nurses work out in the open, and their station is positioned between the rooms and the lounge so they can be available to assist in seconds.
Safety measures give residents freedom. Residents can move around the halls and gardens protected by secured access, alert chimes, automatic locking doors and our dedicated staff.
Each room has a memory box, a wall display families can decorate with residents' most precious memories.
Memory boxes help with residents' personal recognition and showcase their accomplishments and interests.
Each room has a porch light and a recessed door to minimize confusion and emulate home when residents return to their rooms. Bathrooms also feature automated lights and toilets to enhance quality of life.
Each private room overlooks a calm outdoor scene, as do the many windows throughout the building.
Connection to the outdoors helps residents keep up with time of day and seasons, even when inside.
Doctors make daily visits.

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